Modern Control Engineering

Price GBP 365.95

ISBN 9789353273118

Author Lavern Shuler

Year 2022

Publisher J.Walter Publisher

Subject Engineering & Technology

Sub Subjects Mechanical Engineering

Binding Hardcover

Cover Image Available

About the Book

"Automatic control systems are considered to have been in use as far back as ancient civilizations. From the third century BC, Greeks and Arabs invented and executed several kinds of water clocks to precisely measure time. Controls Systems are ubiquitous and go unnoticed by the naked eye. Control Systems are used to continuously govern device behaviour in a predictable and repeatable manner. They may range from basic electronic or electrical devices to very complex computer-controlled systems. Modern control engineering is concerned with issues such as Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) systems, the state space method, eigenvalues, and vectors, among others. Rather than converting complicated ordinary differential equations to first order differential equations, the contemporary methodology transforms higher order equations to first order differential equations and solves them using the vector method. In this book we extend the ideas of modelling to include control system characteristics, such as sensitivity to model uncertainties, steady-state errors, transient response characteristics to input test signals, and disturbance rejection. This book is compiled in such a manner that it will provide in-depth knowledge about the theory and practice of control engineering. It will elucidate the different techniques and theories related to this field. It deals with mathematical modelling of systems, feedback control systems and transient response analysis. It also explores root-locus technique, compensation techniques, frequency response analysis and nyquist stability. The book studies, analyses and uphold the pillars of landscape architecture and its utmost significance in modern times. Coherent flow of topics, student-friendly language and extensive use of examples make this book invaluable source of knowledge. This book will serve as a reference to a broad spectrum of readers."

About The Editor

Lavern Shuler is a Research Professor at University College, Bahia. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Technological University, Tabasco. His areas of expertise and research interests include automation control, acoustics and control systems engineering. Shuler has contributed over 50 articles and conference paperson architectural acoustics, vibration control engineering and electroacoustics. He has also been a reviewer of several renowned Journals.

Contents with (Sub Heading)

1. Introduction to Control Systems
2. Mathematical Modeling of Systems
3. Transient Response Analysis
4. Routh Stability and Robust Control
5. Root-Locus Technique
6. Frequency Response Analysis and Nyquist Stability
7. Compensation Techniques
8. State-Variable Formulation
9. Analysis and Design of Modern Control Systems