Introduction To Communication System

Price GBP 365.95

ISBN 9789353273347

Author Rhea Valdes

Year 2022

Publisher J.Walter Publisher

Subject Engineering & Technology

Sub Subjects Communication Technology

Binding Hardcover

Cover Image Available

About the Book

The numerous procedures, both official and informal, through which information is exchanged between management and workers inside a company, or between the organisation and outsiders, are referred to as communication systems. Written, verbal, nonverbal, visual, or technological communication all have a big influence on how business is performed. The fundamental process of communication starts when one individual observes a fact or concept. That individual (the sender) may opt to convert the observation into a message and then convey it to another individual through any kind of communication (the receiver). The receiver must next understand the message and communicate to the sender that it was understood and appropriate action taken. The purpose of every type of communication is to ensure that a message is completely understood. However, communication failures may occur at any stage of the process. This book elucidates the concepts and innovative models around prospective developments with respect to communication systems. It talks in detail about the techniques and applications of this technology. Through this book, we attempt to further enlighten the readers about the fundamental concepts in this field. It deals with analog communication techniques, digital modulation, signals and systems. It also focuses on optimal demodulation, channel coding, data transmission, spread spectrum system and dispersive channels. It is a valuable compilation of topics, ranging from the basic to the most complex theories and principles in this field. This book aims to serve as a resource guide for students and experts alike and contribute to the growth of the discipline.

About The Editor

Rhea Valdes is an Associate Lecturer at Community College, Bern. She received her Ph.D. in Telecommunications Engineering from Public Science University, Sydney. She is actively committed to the researches focused on signal transmission, digital communications and optical communications. She has been awarded the “Distinguished Contributions to Lifelong Learning” award for her excellence in teaching. Valdes has written numerous technical papers, articles and books on modulation. She also serves on the editorial board of international journals in the field of telecommunications.

Contents with (Sub Heading)

1. Introduction
2. Signals and Systems
3. Analog Communication Techniques
4. Digital Modulation
5. Probability and Random Processes
6. Optimal Demodulation
7. Channel Coding
8. Dispersive Channels and MIMO
9. Data Transmission
10. Spread Spectrum System